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Have you ever considered doing this?
From: guest (Jayzie) , 108 months, post #1
So I'm thinking about telling my cousin about the dream where I swapped bodies with her, mostly to hear her reaction to it. The thought is exciting to say the least.

Would you (or have you) ever do something like this? Good idea or bad idea?

From: guest (Random) , 108 months, post #2
If she's like any normal person, I'm *pretty* sure she'll be creeped out by you for a very long time

From: cj , 108 months, post #3
Yes, for two of them, I eased into it... you have to have a good "feel" for that person, and be pretty decent at getting the timing right. For me, both times were after a discussion that focused on gender identity. I'm not sure if it was someone who was dealing with it IRL, or a movie or book... but there was a catalyst (that I didn't bring up) that made it tremendously easier to steer the discussion in that direction. It ended up being something akin to, "I even had a dream where you and I had swapped bodies... It was interesting." Those two times, I got a bite... she was interested to learn more about the dream.

The one other time that I recall at the moment... I was a bit closer to her (relationship-wise), and there was no real catalyst to crutch off of, but it was a conversation about my TG curiosity. There seems to have been no change in our relationship due to it, but it sort of put her off a bit. Not sure just how weirded-out she felt about it (then or now) I don't bring it up, nor has she. Though my TG curiosity pops up from time to time in our conversations.

Just because I didn't receive any adverse reactions, doesn't mean you won't. Your mileage may vary wildly. Depends on your ability to read them, and what they can handle, and how close you are to them, I suppose.

Proceed with caution... if you choose to pursue the conversation.

From: Repulso , 108 months, post #4
I have to go with cj on this one Jayzee. If you absolutely MUST tell her ease into it. Examine her first reaction (facial expressions etc.).

Yeh, there's a chance she'll be creeped out by it. Consider it and good luck.

From: cj , 108 months, post #5
After sleeping on this discussion... I think one of the other things that may have helped in my cases, is that this wasn't a one-off discussion -- it wasn't something that was suddenly there. All three had some idea of (or outright been "let-in" on) my 'curiosities' and such. So it was not a very far stretch from what they had already known about me.

And for the love of all that is good... weigh heavily whether or not you want to admit to any sexual components of these dreams (if any) before you start down that road. I can tell you that 2 of those 3 dreams had one, one more "graphic" than the other. Interestingly, the most graphic and erotic of those charged-up dreams was about someone who was actually quite aroused by the details... I should have dated that one.

The other one was the one who was a bit put-off... and I only skimmed the details of the sex component... and only after she had asked me. I could tell the thought of me being her made her uneasy, so I didn't go into detail or push beyond the "clinical" approach to it. I didn't lie about it... but sometimes you need to hold back your own enthusiasm so as not to be offensive or creepy (well, creepier).

From: guest (Jayzie) , 108 months, post #6
As usual, CJ, you give good advice. Random and Repulso, too. I was just going to go with the mystical aspects of the dream and not full blown details and such, after considering the good and the bad. If she inquires I'll tell more but I really don't think it would be a good idea straight outta the blue.
I'm going to try to make it seem as innocent and "nonsexual" as possible and gauge her reaction (most likely over text because we haven't seen each other in a bit). If she acts like it's gross or creepy (most likely she'd say "weird...") I'll disengage.

Me and her have a good relationship for family, which is saying something. We trust each other a lot. I'd never even dream about telling that info to anyone else, so I think she'll either be cool with it or we will never bring it up again. But I'm just speculating. I'll let you all know how it goes.

From: guest (para) , 108 months, post #7
She's family, not a friend. If it goes poorly you have no outs, and the next few decades of Thanksgivings (I'm assuming you're american =P) will be very awkward. For many of us this is a sexual fetish, and based on your post history I believe this applies to you as well. Imposing upon and involving someone in your fetish who has not first given very explicit consent will likely be uncomfortable for both of you.

Besides the thrill of breaking social norms to fulfill your fetish here, what do you really stand to gain? In the end, only a small percentage of the population enjoys any one fetish. The realistic best case she'll hear your out, forget it, and move on with life. and risking a lifetime relationship (if not destroying it, damaging it) seems a high price to pay for the low chance of satisfying payoff.

I don't want to rain on your parade, but be realistic. Make sure you're not acting purely selfishly. Now that you're talking real life and not a fictionmania story, if she does realize there is a sexual aspect, it could be very painful for her to hear that from a family member.

Tread with caution, I would advise you wait at least a week before you decide to proceed.

From: guest , 108 months, post #8
Easiest way to go about it is to talk about dreams in general since everyone has reoccurring dreams. She'll tell you she always has one where she loses her teeth/is falling/winds up back in high school naked/etc. That's when you can move the conversation to where you want it to go. You can say things like, "That's crazy, I've had that one a lot too. I had a real crazy one the other night. I dreamed I was someone else." From there you can gauge her interest and proceed. I would keep it very general and no way I'd tell her initially the dream was about her.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 108 months, post #9
Okay, so I did it. I told her a little bit about the dream and the detail where we switched bodies. Her response was "That's cool!!!"

I feel this was a good thing to happen. Strange, I know but it's like having someone know about it is a first, even if they don't know what I'm actually into per say. Even better they seem enthusiastic about it and I love that.

From: cj , 108 months, post #10
Congrats Jayzie! Just be careful, her "That's cool!!!" reaction may have been more reflexive of your relationship than indicative of her really being interested. Perhaps, perhaps not... just something to consider.

Still, it wasn't an adverse reaction. :-)

From: guest (J) , 108 months, post #11
Hmmmm her response was "that's cool" , that's it? Like no further talks about it

If anything I'd probably mention the movie freaky Friday for this kind of thing , everyone has seen freaky Friday and the chats I've had involve mentioning the movie first

Hope she chats more with you about it though :)

From: guest (Jayzie) , 107 months, post #12
Well she has been very busy lately. Everyone in my life is. Talking over text is just the only option that's all.
I thought she'd get back to me sooner and it'd be a cool discussion because for those couple of days we'd been talking off and on.

Life is busy though, right? hahaha

From: guest (Valkan) , 107 months, post #13
So you talked over text and not in person?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 107 months, post #14
I'm not a coward or anything, I'd have talked to her in person but she lives a couple of states away now and I'm not allowed to drive. I've fallen out of "day to day physical encounters" with many people so unfortunately text is the only way I can reach some of them, and that's if they aren't busy.

She's cool though, we've known each other since really early childhood.

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