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From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #21
Also the host of a site is not responsible or liable for what the public posts on their open message board. I'm sorry Paul but you created a site where information is shared to inform people of specific media they have an interest in knowing full well the media would be sought out and wanted. The responsible thing to do is just put a disclaimer stating you take no responsibility for information shared on your site. This is what most websites do to protect themselves and their sites

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #22
hskfmn, I've made valid points that you and the other moderators/host seem to be clearly missing. Please read it again but take a little more time and read thoroughly and try to be logical about it

From: Holly Dunn , 109 months, post #23
23 comments. Stop. Don't feed the trolls.

Respect Paul's rules for the board he hosts. It isn't about what he can be criminally charged with. It is what he wants for his board.

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #24
Holly Dunn I think you need to learn the definition of the term "troll" because right now, that's clearly "you" if you have nothing constructive to add to the topic please don't post

From: cj , 109 months, post #25
Jc, you seem to have NOT read the entire FAQ page. Please do so before you post again.

"... I've made valid points..."

No. Actually, you have not. You have provided no hard evidence to support your position.

I challenge you to GIVE PROOF to support ALL of your statements that the copyright holders and law enforcement will not target host sites and/or direct links to infringed copyrighted media.

"... the host of a site is not responsible or liable for what the public posts on their open message board..."

"... The responsible thing to do is just put a disclaimer stating you take no responsibility for information shared on your site..."

You seem to misunderstand how the law works as well. A disclaimer doesn't negate a web host's responsibility to prevent copyright (or other legal) violations - just ask YouTube (or Napster, KaZaA, isoHunt, and so on). The responsible thing to do... is exactly what this site's Trusted Users (Moderators) have been doing (and will continue to do) for years.

Regardless of all this legal quagmire... YOU are still missing the point. It is NOT your website, and this isn't a democracy. The rules are clear, they have been for years. The owner doesn't want the links... this is his site... the links he doesn't want, WILL be removed. You CANNOT post direct links to complete copyrighted works here (unless they are to a host site approved by the copyright holder). PERIOD.

From: Carlsbad , 109 months, post #26
I'm fairly certain Jc is a troll; the sort of person who walks into a restaurant clad in a T-shirt and sandals but nothing else, demanding to be served since he's complying with the exact letter of "no shirt, no shoes, no service". As such, the following is intended for those who are here for constructive discussion, rather than nihilistic vandalism.

Imagine Paul, the site's operator, as your super chill neighbor who has a home theater, a swimming pool, and a well-stocked beer fridge, and Metamorphose is like his house. Now, suppose your neighbor isn't OK with illegal drugs- maybe he just hates the smell of pot- but that's one of the few rules he has when he invites you over. If you barge into his house, light up a bong, and spew out more smoke than Krakatoa, you're just being an arsehole, regardless of your personal views on legalization. Likewise for sharing copyrighted content. If you want to find pirated stuff, just get a torrent client and follow the magnet links you can find on thepiratebay, kickass torrents, or any of a dozen other trackers. Hell, it's even easier to find stuff if you shell out for a Usenet subscription. The internet is rife with digital opium dens and black markets for all your nefarious needs; no need to darken the door of Metamorphose with such things. Just my 2 cents on the matter. ;)

From: guest (Jc) , 109 months, post #27
cj I know enough about the law and the Internet to know that what I've stated is factually true. I'm not going to sit here and waste my time getting into perfect detail with you on that. Public Message boards are open threads that where things of this nature should be freely talked about. Trolling and abuse on the other hand are completely different. I've made my points and I stand by them and shall continue to do so firmly. If you wish to disagree that's fine. Everyone is entitled to form their own own opinions and beleifs. I don't agree with yours,
However I won't sit here as you are trying to tell you how wrong I believe you as as you're doing toward me. I've spoken my mind and his is simply how I feel on the subject. I'm not going to sit here and continue to argue. That's for 10 year olds. And quite frankly I simply don't have the time for it on my busy work schedule and tending to my children and other more important life issues.

From: cj , 109 months, post #28
Jc, I would like nothing better than to stop the to-and-fro and move on with more important things.

You are certainly entitled to your opinions and beliefs... I just hope that you are willing to respect and abide by the rules and guidelines laid out by the site's owner. You may not agree with them, that is certainly your right, but we do require you follow them to the best of your (and our) ability while you are here. Thank you.

From: guest (Guest007) , 109 months, post #29
CJ you were a lot cooler when you had
your own site. Remember the days......?

From: cj , 109 months, post #30
Guest007 - You might be thinking of another CJ. I've always stood upon the shoulders of giants.

From: guest (Excalibur) , 109 months, post #31
LOL Since when this turn into a chat thread about posting freedom? I imagine this website as a bunch of people hunch over their computer searching for TG pr0n and this came up from nowhere, I am really amused. Also, you are not hosting them, your guests are the one posting them, I don't think you can be responsible for them.

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