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A excellent Lalola series posting with subtitles
From: guest (Scipio) , 109 months, post #1
Sorry if this is old news. I may have missed some earlier alert on the same subject.

At YouTube, "Lola Lalo" has a high quality posting of all the Spanish Lalola episodes, and all but 5 have subtitles. This must be an authorized posting, but I don't know the details (I understand that the unauthorized postings of LLL of Spain were banished from YouTube years ago). The subtitles have a translation utility that supports many languages (not just Africaaner!) The missing captions are probably the result of unrepaired upload glitches. (Some of these missing CC episodes are available, also at YouTube, from Sarah Townsend's parallel postings.)

This is great for anyone who knows just a little Spanish (as I do). But the translations into other languages probably will disappoint. The results of a translation to English are unbelievably inaccurate.

I'd be grateful if "Lalola's" excellent Argentinian version postings at YouTube had even Spanish subtitles, as Lola Lalos' do, but they don't.

From: guest , 109 months, post #2
The translation function is terrible, but still better then nothing. I think this is an official upload but only the span in subtitles are official, the other languages are translated by a bot and not not a very good one.

But thanks, hopefully YouTube will continue to develop it.

From: guest (Robbie) , 109 months, post #3
I wish someone knew where to find the Lola Chile series online besides the few episodes available on YouTube.

From: guest , 109 months, post #4
@Robbie Same.... If you ever find out let us know lol.

From: guest (Yeo) , 108 months, post #5
How would you judge the Spain version? Is it the best version? Second best? What are the main derivations from other Lalolas?

From: guest (AnAlias) , 108 months, post #6
Personally, it's probably one of my least favourites. It's a bit too wacky for my taste. Admittedly, I don't speak the language, but it does feel a lot more exaggerated than other versions that I've seen.

It feels like they emphasize the comedy the most in the Spain version and everybody acts a little goofier than they did in the other versions. Your mileage may vary, but I prefer other, more grounded versions.

Anyways, it follows the same general formula of the original, but with a few new storylines (for example: The love interest. Sergio/Facundo actually married the rival character for a bit and Lola got arrested for Lalo's disappearance for a couple of episodes.) The main deviation that I saw is that the girl responsible for the transformation, Romina, seems to be much more proactively trying to ruin this Lola's life. She's popped up a few times to spread mischief. Sergio's daughter is also a teenager instead of a young child.

From: guest (Alvedo737) , 108 months, post #7
Yes, it is a matter of taste. The comedy of Spain's LLL can be a plus. There are straighter versions, if one likes that. Ideally, fans can someday get the chance to watch more than one version. (The language barrier is serious). Some versions are very similarly scripted, but some are not. Philippine's version, to name one, is both good and different.

Marina Gatell's Lola is a charmer. If she were more conventionally pretty the version might be my favorite. (In the last couple dozen episodes she is given an absolutely horrible hair style that makes her look like a cocker spaniel. It brings out the worst features of her face.) But I think the supporting Spanish characters are some of the best depictions. Victoria of Spain is more enjoyable than Argentina's, and Paula is warmest and most attractive of LLL's roomates (who are usually called Grace). I like the funny Gustavo better than the sinister Gaston.

As mentioned, Spain's Romina is wildly sinister, a vindictive nemesis. (In Margosha, if I understand what I see, that version of Romina seems remorseful, as if she acted hastily and is ashamed of herself). I like the greater development of Spain's Daniella (the new Lalo). Margosha had an even greater expanded story for their Daniella, but I never liked the way that "Gosha" won Margo from Andre. (Russia's Margo also seems to be the most unkind and flighty).

From: guest (Jason) , 108 months, post #8
Is there a Lola series with more magic? Maybe one where Lola likes women in the start but is then cursed to like guys? Or where more transformations happen, or is all the metamorphosis stuff in the first episode of every version and then that is it?

Also the translations for this don't make any sense it's all just random words :(

From: guest (Robbie) , 108 months, post #9
Jason, the Lola series from Chile has multiple transformation of Lalo into Lola and the curse is removed and then brought back again due to the storyline differences from the other series. It is really hard to find online though although the last 30 40 episodes are on Youtube.

From: guest (Jason) , 108 months, post #10
Thanks, is there a list of transformations?

From: guest (Yeo) , 108 months, post #11
AnAlias & Alvedo737,

Thanks. That's very helpful. I like the idea of evil Romina. Seems like she is the only "villain" in the series, as everybody else are a more comedic in nature?

From: guest (AnAlias) , 108 months, post #12

If you want more magically-based Lalola's, the best choice would be the Philippines version. It's probably the most unique version. In that one, there is an entire witches coven and the witches who transformed Lalo are outright main characters. It's also the only one where Lola is explicitly cursed to be attracted to men.

It's also entirely on Youtube, unlike the Chilean version..

From: guest , 108 months, post #13
Wow thanks AnAlias I will look it up :)

From: guest (Jason) , 108 months, post #14
Some even have subtitles :)

Any idea if there is anywhere that they all have them?

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