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Looking for Body Part swap stories?
From: guest (never better) , 110 months, post #1

I'm looking for some good body part swap stories, preferably between more than two people.
I've read chan and chan overload, but didn't really like their style, so any other stories are fine.

From: M2FB , 110 months, post #2

From: Eric , 110 months, post #3
Bit by bit
reflection waters
Betrayed by my Girlfriend

all are fictionmania

From: guest (mumbalo) , 110 months, post #4

Some of my favorites from fictionmania:
A Leg Man series by JackHalf00

Strange Watch series by me

Warning: these are headswaps, not shure if that counts for you

Curse of the Inbox series by Jack Half

The Ol' Head-Swapping Trick by Kayooger

The Mindy Effect series by Jack Half and Mr Ardvark

Lady-Life-Ride series by Jack Half

The Entity series by Quicksilver

There are more, but my memory is pretty bad :(

From: guest (achiles) , 110 months, post #5
Always a favorite
A lads night out by vaughan

From: Holly Dunn , 110 months, post #6
"Becoming my Girlfriend" by Jaana is one of my all time favorites.

"The Lust Charm" by Morpheus is very well done also.

The Linking Spell by Anon Allsop is very,very good, but the ending is a bit rushed.

From: guest (IstraPsyche) , 110 months, post #7
Although I am a fan of the Chan stories, I also want to second "Becoming My Girlfriend," "The Lust Charm," "The Leg Man" series, and "Bit by Bit." Those are all some of my favorite Fictionmania stories that I return to regularly. I hadn't read Mumbalo's "Strange Watch" series before seeing it here, but I enjoyed it. Just wish it was longer. There are also a lot of really excellent body part swaps on Fiction Branches ( You can use the search function to look for specific body parts or whatever interests you.

Personally, body part stories tend to be my favorites, but I'm not beholden to the "swap" part of your question. I also like body part copying. My own "Roommate's Wandering Eye" on Fictionmania ( and most of my meager contributions to Fiction Branches are in that vein.

I hope more people will respond with their ideas. I would really love to discover more of these kinds of stories.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #8
"Becoming My Girlfriend" was one of my all time favorites. I so wished that it would happen to me that way.

I need to revisit this thread in the future for the rest of these stories.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #9
In a review of "Bit by Bit," I have to say that if his girlfriend really was a "grease monkey" then she wouldn't have "delicate, feminine hands," long nails, or red nail polish.
No, her hands would be firm and calloused, she'd have a permanent layer of dirt and oil on her hands which wouldn't come off even when she freshly has taken a shower, and her nails would all be worn down to the quick.

Just a quick criticism on that one.

From: guest (Mr Ed) , 110 months, post #10
I haven't seen this story yet, and it's one of my personal favourites involving body-part swaps:

The Scrambler by Island Riter

From: Mr. Ram , 110 months, post #11
Most mechanics wear mechanics gloves now. They are thin work gloves that keep your hands from getting beat up and dirty.

Mr. Ram

From: guest (Guest_36) , 110 months, post #12 has some great part swapping stories. And it has an easy to use search engine. Here's a few links;

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #13
Mr. Ram,
As far as I can tell they hardly do. Maybe they are really expensive or maybe they just don't work that well. Even with gloves though, would a mechanic really have long nails that are painted red? I'm skeptical.


From: cj , 110 months, post #14
"Even with gloves though, would a mechanic really have long nails that are painted red?"

Depends on your definition of "long". I've known a few lady wrenches who keep their nails longer than mine. While not fashion-sense long, they seem to be about as long as the nails of other working women.

Also, while most don't seem to generally wear polish/paint on them everyday, they have no problem glamming it up on the weekends and/or for special events.

Another note... I haven't seen many of my grease-monkey friends and relatives (male, female, or otherwise) use the Mechanix gloves for a majority of their work (or tinkering) - usually only see them being worn for particularly aggressive or nasty jobs, or in cold and/or wet weather. ~shrug~

From: guest (Jayzie) , 109 months, post #15
Sorry, I just don't see a mechanic getting "down and dirty" with car parts and oils and junk and having long nails. "Long" generally means "past the fingertips."

I clearly can't say anything about if you have personal experiences with such stuff, but I will remain skeptical until I see it myself (in action).

From: Mr. Ram , 109 months, post #16
I've spent quite a bit of time in auto shops, almost all the mechanics nowadays wear mechanics gloves or thick mil rubber nitrile surgical gloves. This is a relatively new thing, getting more popular among mechanics in the last ten years. I wear them all the time, when working on cars now. It sure beats scrubbing grime out of your hands with a brush and hand cleaner.

From: cj , 109 months, post #17
@ Jayzie - yep, it was a fascinating thing to see... the duck becoming a swan. If I hadn't seen it myself... I'd be inclined to think the same thing. :-)

Of course, that was just one lady wrench in a huge world.

@ Mr Ram - Seems like I spend too much time in the auto shops myself. I've noticed the same thing outside of my area... but apparently we're a bit slower to adopt things out here in the boonies.

Not only does it help keep your hands out of the grit and grime, but some of the fluids and such are known carcinogens... or so I remember hearing once upon a time.

And now I'm wondering why I've led this thread off-topic. ~sigh~

From: IstraPsyche , 101 months, post #18
I just remembered another story I enjoy of this sort: DrLoVe's Gym stories on Fictionmania.

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