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Good fictionmania stories
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From: guest (Tamerlaine) , 156 months, post #21
The Critic asks about good stories with comic characters. The best effort that I've seen are the four stories (one of them a novel) by Aladdin at Fictionmania that feature the TG heroine "Mantra." It was a great comic (1993-95) that died when Marvel took over the publisher and killed the whole Ultraverse line. The fan writing is excellent, and the writer has clearly made a close study of the Ultraverse before writing them. There is also a good 5th story, "The Beauty and the Beast," that stars the TG nemesis of Mantra, Necromantra.

From: guest , 156 months, post #22
"In almost all stories in most cases for somebody to win somebody has to lose."

I just wanted to respond to this to say that though what was said may be the case, what makes it dark is unfairness or misery derived along the way to someone winning/losing. I haven't read Eric's hostile takeover stories so I don't know how much that applies to them. I just thought it might be something good to be thinking about.

Btw Eric, if you like both humor and hostile takeovers, someone who keeps screwing up a hostile takeover somehow could be funny and up your alley in more way than one. Just an idea.

From: dis_guise , 156 months, post #23
I post to FictionMania as Blot and I've been trying to write more everybody-wins stories. The Costume Gun generally means murder, and I'm weary of that. I'm starting to try for the lonely nice guy getting his best friend turned into a smart, sassy girlfriend who prefers her new self, and sentimental twaddle like that. If I keep writing I'll possibly go to something in between and more lifelike.

From: guest (Guest) , 156 months, post #24
Looking at my favs I'd also recommend Eric and Raven. Also love Bimbo Alison for TG with some good laughs. And while the Professor is good, his stories are too long for my tastes.

Honestly, I'd do the grab a story thing and put in elements you like. That's one of the best ways to stumble on an author you might like.

From: D.A.W. , 156 months, post #25
For anyone looking for good comic books stories there are the Comics Retcon stories over at Big Closet Topshelf.

If you're looking for super hero stories in general I'd recommend Morpheus's Legacy series. It's his own universe with his own unique characters and it's one of the best series on Fictionmania.

If you are looking for TG in general, I'd recommend my own stories:
Incompatible:Birth of a Spellbinder
Transfigured Ascension of a Spellbinder

Both can be found on Fictionmania, Big Closet Topshelf & Tgstorytime under the name D.A.W. The third story is in the works.

From: thecritic , 156 months, post #26
I find less popular writers to be my cup of tea. I like Fanfiction and their search features so that you can specify a particular interest and Fictionmania has an extensive yet far spaced library. There was a really good story where a kid finds a wishing coin and wishes to be his fathers boss yet i can't remember the name if any of you guys find a similair plotline read it. I tend to stay away from Rachels haven and Bigcloset no offence i am sure that they have good works there but the entirety of the site doesn't interest me. Thank you for the suggestions too, i will look into those stories.

From: thecritic , 156 months, post #27
There is a good comic centered story called Hardshell about a guy who gets transformed by an alien suit of armor. There is also a few good Buffy and Angel body swap stories that i found on other fiction and blog sites.

From: dis_guise , 156 months, post #28
Tokens: The Bitch is by Morpheus.

From: guest (Guest) , 156 months, post #29
I've been going through all of the Fictionmania stories - after maybe a year, I've gotten through 1999-2002. Below is a list of my favorites from that period an then a few others - if someone here has similar tastes, would like to hear further suggestions.

"SRU: Becoming a Blond, Blue-Eyed, Buxom, Bimbo"; by Yvonne Moore; 27-Mar-1999
"The Facsimile Machine"; by Jennifer Miller; 25-Sep-1999
"Jean, the Gem and Me"; by Zedd, 22-Aug-2000 <-- This one is my favorite on the site and seems relatively unknown
"Old Slipper Man"; by Beverley Ardis, 23-Sep-2000
"A Cure for Hypertension"; by Ed Miller; 13-Nov-2000
"Advice"; by Persephone, 02-Jun-2001
"Gym: Treadmill"; by Radioactive Loner; 03-Oct-2002
"Just Another Day At the Track"; by J Straub; 04-Jan-2006
"Costume Party"; by Denver; 27-Oct-2006
"A.R.S- Team Spirit"; by Ingrid Halb; 05-Jan-2007

From: slinet042 , 141 months, post #30
Sorry for bumping such an old thread but I found it only recently and the last post and I have fairly similar tastes. I enjoyed all the stories linked that I hadn't already read and thought I'd post a few I found on my own that were also to my taste:

"Eye Candy" by Phem 7/24/11 - one of my favorite authors I only discovered recently.
"The Persistent Spell" by PYT 10/26/05
"The Clarenceville Horror" 11/28/10 by Princess of the Trailor Park
"Becoming My Girlfriend" 6/16/10 by Jaana
"The Blushing Bride" 2/25/08 by Filthy Mind
all of the above should be easy to find on Fictionmania.

One other I thought I'd include - Attacked by Silk Gloves by RH Music on BigCloset

If anyone enjoys the above and has other stories they'd want to add I'd love to hear it, even if it is 15 months later!

From: guest (Tasha B) , 141 months, post #31
I love this thread! It's been a go to for me for months for finding great stories and aurthors so thanks to all. My contributions are two authors who I adore - Jennifer Adams and Bimbo Alison. Check em out out you'll love them. They tend towards the magic transformation and they can write a good sex scene, but both have a a sweet side too them which I like too.

Please keep this thread alive. It's almost impossible to find good stuff at fictionmania unless you know where to look so this is sooooo helpful.

From: Eric , 141 months, post #32
The new Writter Zapper has written some wonderful tales in a short time.


Also BobH keeps wrinting very good stories

From: guest (Tasha B) , 141 months, post #33
Thanks Eric. I just read one of BobH's stories! And I left a review! I would suggest to all here to leave at least a "thank you I liked it" review on stories you like. I try to do that. I'll check out Zapper next. I'll return to BobH...very good writer!

From: guest (Jessica Drew) , 141 months, post #34
It's always great to see new authors mentioned (like Zapper!)

All too often when threads like this come up we get the same list of authors come up that have been with us since the dawn of time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they're all very good - but bring on the new blood!

From: guest (Giselle) , 141 months, post #35
All Geneva stories.

From: guest (Munchausen) , 141 months, post #36
Since we're highlighting the less famous ones, I was captivated by Jayshanks's story based in Ancient China. It has TG in it, but do read it for the masterful story-telling.

Title is "Fan Li".

From: cj , 141 months, post #37
Scott Allison's "Trafficked". It was fairly graphic and dark... but the main character's experience seemed well thought-out and described.

From: guest (Munchausen) , 141 months, post #38
And it's actually based on a true story!

From: guest (Ash) , 3 months, post #39
Does anybody remember the story of the two friends that pissed off their apartment neighbor and they were turned into young girls and had to do one thing manly before the end of the night? The neighbor was like a witch. They found chocolates that made the one friend act like a bimbo. It was a story with images I think

From: guest (Ash) , 3 months, post #40
That was my favorite story but for some reason I can't remember what it was called

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