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TF alert on Warehouse 13
From: Eric , 180 months, post #1
Next tuesday 8 - 25 8PM Central on SyFy channel the beautiful female agent ( Myka) gets trapped in a mirror while a duplicate takes her place. Its not clear if its a shapeshifter or what.

From: ARM0708 , 180 months, post #2
Warehouse 13 - Duped : Episode 108
Episode Detail:
Myka gets accidentally trapped in author Lewis Carroll's mirror -- unleashing the malevolent entity that was trapped inside.

From the trailer,I think it could be bodyswap.

By the way,new "Myka" looks so sexy!!

From: guest (uri) , 180 months, post #3
Ooooh see how malevolent she is with her tousled hair and little black dress!

A sexualized woman! She must be possessed by the devil!

Do you suppose that there is so much bad plastic surgery in TV Actor Land that Joanne Kelly's puffy and weirdly immobile lips look normal to the producers of this show?

I liked the original much better than this remake. Chris Wiggins was a remarkably overwrought actor and stagey actor, but he seemed like he was committing to the role. Saul Rubinek seems like he is phoning in his performances from a soundstage far, far, away from the site of principle photography...oh wait. And Robey was a little strange looking, but at least she could smile without looking like she was going to pop her stitches.

From: Dale Ribbons , 180 months, post #4
I assume this means you're not a fan of the show? :-)

From: guest (uri) , 180 months, post #5
Dale - I've only watched the first two episodes, and those I watched over the top of my laptop screen. It is, plainly, a rip-off of FT13th:TS, and not nearly as interesting as the show it plagiarizes. The writing is formulaic, tedious, and predictable. The actors are generic (with the exception of C.C.H. Pounder, who must have tax trouble or have lost a bet or something to have gotten involved in this nonsense). The production values are very poor, the photography and editing are barely competent, and the effects came in a big white box labeled "SPECIAL FX".

From: Eric , 180 months, post #6
I persoanlly like the show. But I agree that it is more than somewhat like friday the 13th ( Which I also liked) Though 13 was susposedly inspired by those great scenes in Indiana Jones movies - especially the last scene in Raiders, It has SF eliments as well as suprenatural ones. I find the male agent's character to be rather obnoxious ( this from me!) but the woman is charming. I am a fan of Saul R & the new teenage girl is both cute & clever so for a TV I htink it is well above average. My favorite show so far was burnout - that had real power.

From: Dale Ribbons , 180 months, post #7
I've seen bits and pieces of it myself, but no full eps. Always had other stuff going on I guess. It's funny you mentioned Raiders, Eric, as that was what the description of the show reminded me of. I agree with Uri that it is also reminiscient of Friday The 13th. My brother, who is not a sci-fi/fantasy fan, likes it and has recommended it to me. So, I'll try to watch this ep and make my judgment then.

From: ARM0708 , 180 months, post #8
The new "Myka" looks like she loves to use tesla gun to shoot men.
What a malevolent woman she is!

From: Dale Ribbons , 180 months, post #9
I just want to say, before I forget again, thanks for posting those pics. :-)

From: Eric , 180 months, post #10
Don't forget its on tonight.

From: guest (Swiftner) , 180 months, post #11
I know it will be on in theState tonight but for everyone else. here is the trailer

It should be up on SyFy rewind at some point

From: Dale Ribbons , 180 months, post #12
Well, I saw it. Here's my judgment:

It was an actual TF, not a body swap or possession, with a female psychopath (Alice) trapped in the mirror for years escaping in the female lead's (Micah?) form while she ends up trapped in the mirror in her place. The male lead (Paul?) sees the imposter's reflection in another mirror and it changes into Alice's true image for a moment.

Liked: Joanne Kelly did a good job portraying both Micah and Alice. She's not bad to look at either, so that helps. There are some nice touches with music, like when they play 'White Rabbit' when Alice is plotting to smash the mirror.

Didn't like: The plot is your standard 'evil twin/imposter' scenario, and the writer(s) do nothing original with it. And the other characters seem kind of flat to me, but this is the first time I've seen it, so maybe if I watch other eps, it'll get better.

I'd give it 3 out of 5. An enjoyable way to pass an hour, but not much else.

From: cj , 180 months, post #13
A bit off topic... just a reminder that Saul Rubinek was Dr. Munger in Synapse.

Now back on topic...

hmmm... Nope, I pretty much agree with Dale on this episode. Though I still have hope for this series. IMO - it's doing a decent job of being entertaining... especially for the SyFy channel. I've even been able to get a couple of non-SciFi friends interested in it.

From: guest (Slash) , 180 months, post #14
Her name is spelled Myka. And the male lead is named Peter Lattimer.

From: Dale Ribbons , 180 months, post #15
Thanks. It was the first time I saw the show so I wasn't sure.

From: Repulso , 180 months, post #16
To me, this series is like an 'X-files lite'.

I didn't care that much for it at first but it's beginning to grow on me. It's pretty good.

I think I'll stay with it, not just because of it's TF/TG potential but because it's a good show.

From: guest (ad0r) , 115 months, post #17
I too enjoyed seeing Myka dressed up in this ep, but the clunky pumps ruined the look, they seemed like she must have borrowed them from Mrs. Fred. In season 2, the fashion model / zoetrope ep we see her in a much more flattering pair, so I wonder what they were thinking.

From: hskfmn , 115 months, post #18
I don't mean to be "that guy," but...

You woke up a 5-year old thread to tell us that?

From: guest (Tatiana) , 114 months, post #19
The show definitely grows on you. I'm into the third season and I've grown to appreciate the good qualities the show has to offer. But what does bother me more than Myka's horrible acting is that puffy horrible upper lip. Her mouth is suspiciously starting to resemble a trouts : / I wish they could just replace her with someone who can act and has a natural upper lip. Maybe something "artifacty" is doing that to her lip.

From: guest (Threadstarterbackerup) , 107 months, post #20
I would agree with the lip :)

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