Categories:Age, Gender, TV Show
A series where people can choose to have their minds uploaded to a
virtual reality "Heaven" after they die.
One character is Dylan, an 18 year old who died when he was a
child, and still retains his child's body. He desperately wants to
grow up, mainly so he can hook up with women.
Click to show spoiler
Ur raqf hc tbvat gur Terl Znexrg, n fbeg bs qnex jro bs gur iveghny
ernyvgl, naq chepunfrf n zbqvsvpngvba sbe uvf ningne gung jvyy znxr
uvz ybbx yvxr uvf erny ntr nsgre ur tbrf gb fyrrc naq jnxrf hc
ntnva.Juvyr gur zbqvsvpngvba jbexf, Qlyna nppvqragnyyl obhtug n srznyr
irefvba, naq jnxrf hc nf n grrantr tvey. Ur qbrf abg abgvpr hagvy
nsgre jnyxvat gbcyrff guebhtu frireny ebbzf shyy bs crbcyr tnjxvat
ng uvz. Gur jubyr guvat vf n ovg fubeg naq zbfgyl cynlrq sbe uhzbe,
ohg vg qbrf raq jvgu uvz yrneavat gb erfcrpg jbzra.
originally posted by guest on 2020-05-20, 1 edit, entryid=9645
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