Categories:Male, Gender, Video Game
In the game you have the choice of playing as Luceus(male) or
Aurora(female). Both characters are the Children of Light, so are
special. At some point during the game, the other character is
captured by the enemies.
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Yngre ba va gur tnzr lbh tb gb gur Tbqqrff' Fuevar sbe lbhe dhrfg,
naq gur onq thl jvyy fubj hc cbffrffvat gur obql bs
Yhprhf/Nheben(jubrire jnf pncgherq), fvapr vs ur vf va gur obql bs
n Puvyq bs Yvtug, ur jvyy nyfb unir npprff gb gur Tbqqrff' Fuevar.
originally posted by Random on 2019-10-03, no edits, entryid=9573
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