- Categories:Gender, Size, Possession
- US Release Date: July 6, 2018
- Staring: Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Evangiline Lily as Hope
van Dyne/Wasp, Michael Douglas as Hank Pym, and Michelle Pfeiffer
as Janet van Dyne
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU): Film 20
Scott Lang is under house arrest following his involvement in the
events of Captain America: Civil War. One night he has a weird
dream where he sees a little girl hiding in a wardrobe, and when he
looks in the mirrorClick to show spoiler
ur frrf uvf ersyrpgvba nf Wnarg ina Qlar.
Scott contacts Hank, and later Hope and Hank recreate the events
that triggered the dream, which causes ScottClick to show spoiler
gb or cbffrffrq ol Wnarg ntnva. Fur hfrf Fpbgg'f obql gb cebtenz
gur genpxre gb svaq ure.
Throughout much of the film, Scott and Hope use their suits to
shrink down to the size of an ant. Scott however also can use his
suit to increase his size to a giant. Hope's suit also has wings that she can use while shrunk.
Scott's suit is experimental and not complete, and several times
goes to the wrong size or refuses to change.Click to show spoiler
Jura Fpbgg naq Ubcr tb vagb n fpubby, Fpbgg vf fghpx ng gur urvtug
bs n 10 lrne byq
Also, HankClick to show spoiler
tbrf vagb gur dhnaghz ernyz gb erfphr Wnarg, fuevaxvat qbja gb gur
fvmr bs zbyrphyrf.
Throughout the film Hope, Hank, and Scott as well as others on
their team use tech to shrink or grow many items including: Ants,
Buildings, Cars, and other inanimate objects (Pez Dispenser and
Salt Shaker).
originally posted by Sara on 2018-07-13, 1 edit, entryid=9519
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