- Categories:Gender, Male , Television Episode
- Title "Mxy's Mix-Up", Episode: 29
- First Air Date: July 22, 2017
While on a mission to stop Gorilla Grodd, the Justice League team
is also attacked by Mister Mxyzptlk. He decides to make things
interesting and swap members of the Justice League team into
different bodies.
Click to show spoiler
Ongzna orpbzrf Fgnetvey, Fgnetvey orpbzrf Fhcrezna, naq Fhcrezna
orpbzrf Ongzna
Later, they call in the Bravo team who also get switched around.Click to show spoiler
Synfu orpbzrf Mngnaan naq Mngnaan orpbzrf Synfu. Sverfgbez orpbzrf
Funmnz, Funmnz orpbzrf Cynfgvp Zna, Cynfgvp Zna orpbzrf Plobet naq
Znegvna Znauhagre orpbzrf Sverfgbez. Vg vf vzcyvrq gung cbffvoyl
Plobet orpbzrf Znegvna Znauhagre.Cebsrffbe Fgrva, gur bgure unys bs Sverfgbez raqf hc vafvqr Zvfgre
Zklmcgyx urnq naq pnhfrf uvz gb tb ubzr.
Everyone is back to normal at the end.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Sara on 2017-08-18, no edits, entryid=9484
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