Categories:Animal, Mythical, Female, Anime, Television Episode Episode 12
Episode 12 (& 13) - A young girl named Runlay (who is referred to
as the White Dragon Horse) who possesses great supernatural
abilities to disguise her appearance and conjure storms through the
use of her dragon globe, a magical orb that serves as the source of
her magic. She Transforms into a Dragon on Episode 12 and on Episode 13
,Click to show spoiler
fur unf genafsbezrq vagb n juvgr ubefr/fgrrq gb wbva Xbatb naq
Fnamb ba gurve Wbhearl Jrfg.
Episode 12: http://www.veoh.com/watch/v16141642Aya98dCT/Monkey-Magic
originally posted by juupton on 2014-12-21, 3 edits, entryid=9396
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