Categories:Gender, Age, Book
In the sequel to The Shining, Danny Torrance is now an adult and
end up befriending a young girl, Abra, who shares his Shining gift.
Through the Shining, the two are sometimes able to see through each
other's eyes.
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Yngre va gur obbx, gurl npghnyyl chyy bss n shyy ba fjnc, be
"fjncfvrf" nf gurl pnyy vg, jura Qnaal hfrf gur Fuvavat gb gnxr
pbageby bs gur 13 lrne byq tveyf obql gb rfpncr qnatre. Gurer'f
nyfb zvabe fjncf orgjrra Noen naq gur srznyr ivyynva jub srrqf ba
gur cbjre bs gur Fuvavat.
originally posted by DB Cooper on 2015-08-09, 3 edits, entryid=9321
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