Categories:body swap, body thief, body parts, horror, magic, mother daughter,
inanimate, stolen body part
In this episode Buffy, along with many other girls are trying out
for the cheerleader squad. One by one the girls that make the squad
have terrible spells cast on them. These include: -Spontaneous Combustion -Blindness (can see visually in the eyes) -Disappeared mouth
At first Buffy and the gang suspect that it is the mother of a
student that did not make the squad. This suspicion allows the
witch to perform a vengeance spell on Buffy that is slowly killing
Click to show spoiler
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In the end both spells are reversed and Buffy manages to use a
mirror on the witch that made her disappear. The gang couldn't find
her but the camera zooms in to show that she had become the gold
cheerleader on a trophy.
originally posted by JennMP1 on 2015-01-02, no edits, entryid=9314
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