Categories:Gender, Manga
In this world, there exists individuals known as "Majin":
supernatural beings able to wield unique powers. They live among
the normal human beings, but the divide created between the Majin
and the normal human race is severe. There exists a school known as
Dangerosu, where the population ratio of Majin students exceeds
that of any other high school. In this school, two groups known as
the "Banchou Group" and the "Seitokai" face each other in war, but
they have created a balance of power, resulting in a temporary
peace. Now, with the inclusion of new students, this balance of
power is about to collapse.
Later howerever it is revealed that... Click to show spoiler
Elbhfrvva Bgbzr, gur znva cebgntbavfg bs gur fgbel vf npghnyyl n
Znwva, ornevat gur cbjre bs "Puvacnv," juvpu vf pncnoyr bs punatvat
nalbar'f traqre.
originally posted by O2MO on 2014-03-31, 1 edit, entryid=9299
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