Categories:Gender, Female, Male, Were, Misc Transformation, Video Game
In the MMO game, there are multiple instances in which the player
character's form is transformed. At the begining of the game, the
player chooses which race they will be. Aside from your typical
human races you have multiple elf races, the Kahjiit (a feline
race), Orcs and Argonians (a reptilian race). The changes range
from the player being able to become a werewolf and transform into
their beast form, polymorphs which change the player into a
skeleton, goblin or Drauger (undead).
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Bar bs gur zvq-yriry dhrfgf sbe gur Robaurneg Cnpg vaibyirf n tebhc
bs Fgbezsvfgf hfvat n cbgvba gb nffhzr gur sbezf bs Abeq fbyqvref.
Qhevat na vairfgvtngvba bs n ubhfr orybatvat gb n gnyy naq zhfphyne
Abeq jbzna anzrq Zneyn, lbh svaq gur obqvrf bs gubfr jub unir orra
ercynprq. Zneyn gura jnyxf va naq nggnpxf lbh. Gbjneqf gur raq bs
gur svtug fur genafsbezf vagb ure gehr sbez bs n fznyyre naq guvat
Oergba jbzna.
originally posted by Allie on 2015-06-28, no edits, entryid=9270
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