Categories:Male, Gender, Possession, Television Episode Season 5, Episode 15
An away team is possessed by the disembodied members of a 200 year
old ship that crashed there. An entity claiming to be Captain Bryce
Shumar possesses Troi (Marina Sirtis), and two other male officers
also possess Data and O'Brian, who then stage a mutiny. Eventually
it turns out that the entities are a group of disembodied criminals
exiled centuries before the ship crashed there. The former genders
of the criminals are not disclosed by the invaders. Troi says her
mind was aware but pushed aside and calls her possessor 'him' and
'he' so it appears to be a legitimate male possession of a female.
originally posted by guest(caleb jones) on 2013-06-02, 3 edits, entryid=9238
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