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Categories:Animal, Age, Gender, Inanimate, Television Show


Ca�a Talentos was a Brasilian tv series about a fairy, who moves from her magical world to earth and joins a tv station. She can do all kinds of magic and makes heavy use of it.

episodes of interest:


Hist�ria Piloto
002 - INANIMATE: man petrified
004 - TF: frog into man
005 - TF: man into frog, INANIMATE: man/woman petrified

T� de luto por Voc�
014 - TF: frog into man

Tesouro Capira
029 - TG: man into woman
030 - TG: woman into man

Quanto Mais Grana Melhor/Anivers�rio da Pep
034 - TF: girl into donkey and back

Tropic�leo Plus/Gripe da Fada Bela
036 - TF: woman into dog
037 - TF: dog into woman
038 - ANIMAL: woman still acts like a dog

TV Nostalgia/Gripe da Fada Bela
045 - TF: woman into plant and back

Xaropes Ipiranga/Dom Pedro I
050 - TF: man into frog and back

Natal/Bruxa Bela
056 - TF: woman into turkey and back

Ano Novo/Bruxa Bela
058 - SIZE: man is shrunken
059 - SIZE: woman is shrunken
060 - TF: man into frog
061 - TF: women into roasted chicken and pig
064 - SIZE: man/woman back to normal size, men are shrunken

Presidente Josias
067 - TF: man into dog and back

Maravilha Verde
075 - TF: man into frog
075 - AGE: AP: boy into man
076 - TF: boy into dog, time freeze, AGE: AR: man into boy, women/man into children,
077 - AGE: women/man, boy back to normal, boy into man and back
078 - TF: women into plants
079 - TF: man into frog and back, plants into women

2. season:

Segura Pe�o
139 - INANIMATE: woman into comic character

TV Galera
152 - AGE / ANIMAL: woman act like a baby, like a mouse

Namora Quem Quer
163 (incorrect nr.:138) - TF: man into lizzard and back

Fadas & F�bulas
171 - TF: man into pineapple and back
172 - TF: man into mouse
173 - TF: women into fruits and back, man into frog and back

O G�nio das Televendas
176 - TF: man into mouse
177 - TF: mouse into man
178 - AGE: AR: man becomes younger

Na Palma da M�o
(incorrect nr.:155) TF: man into pair of boots and back

Especial de F�rias
185 - TF: man into mouse and back
187 - FURRY: boy get donkey ears
188 - TF: boy into cactus and back
193 - TF: man into clown balloon and back
194 - TF: woman into bird
195 - TF: bird into woman
199 - TF: woman into flower and back
205 - INANIMATE: women into fountain figurines and back

3. season:

Eu, Bebel, 10 Anos, Explorada e Mal Tratada.
210 - 219 - AGE: several adults into children and back

Capit�o Flecha
222-224 - FURRY: women wear sexy cat costume, rat costume
224-229 - TF: butterfly into woman and back

A Hora do Mico
TF: butterfly into woman and back
234 - TF: dog into man
236 - TF: man into dog
238 - TF: bad man into bad dog into poodle into good man

Emerg�ncia Geral
259 - TF: man into cat and back

Contos do Dom Arrepio / Honor�vel bela (bate)
261 - TF: man into bananas
262 - TF: people into pine apples and back

Lambid�o (Natal & Ano Novo)
273 - AGE: AP: boy into young man
274 - TF: man into mouse
279 - AGE: AR: young man into boy

Rainha Bela e os Cavaleiros da T�vola Redonda
293 - TF: man into mouse and back, ANIMAL: woman acts like a monkey

Juro por Merlim / Barrados no Camping
296 - TF: man into frog, man into mouse
297 - TF: frog into man
299 - SIZE: man / woman shrink themselves
300 - SIZE: man / woman enlarge themselves, TF: woman into apple
302 - TF: apple into woman

Guerra dos Sexos
307 - TF: man into lamp
308 - TF: lamp into man, man into mouse and back, man into candle
309 - TF: candle into man
310 - TF: women into cats
311 - TF: cats into women

Escolinha do Professor Cabral
337 - TF: mouse into man
341 - FURRY: man into half mouse
342 - TF: half mouse man into mouse

Dia das Fadas
389 - 396 - AGE: AR: woman into girl and back

O retorno de Zack
450-451 INANIMATE: woman petrified

Lendas e Cascatas
458 - TF: woman into cake
459 - TF: cake into woman
461 - TF: turtle into woman

Casamento pra voc�
484 (part 23) - TF: man into dog
486 - TF: dog into man, woman into chicken
487 - TF: chicken into woman

Attention: Each story is told over several episodes. This list uses the correct episode numbers, but currently there are also wrong numbered uploads (try to subtract 25 from the correct numbers or search for the story names).

List may not be complete.

originally posted by guest(grenzgaenger) on 2015-03-24, no edits, entryid=9224