Categories:Gender, Female, Animal, Anime
Lucy walks into fairy tail and decides she wants to learn new magic
for herself so she decides to ask Mira to teach her transformation
magic. Mira agrees to teach her and as usually Natsu and happy want
to join in on the fun. So Mira starts off with the basics of
transformation magic. First mira starts at the beginners level by
transforming into erza. Second she changes her clothes to match the
ones Erza likes to wear. And finally she copies Ezra's voice to a
perfect copy she scares Natsu. Mira shows off other forms of
transformations by changing into a fish, a dog, and finally erza
one more time. Now it's lucy, Natsu, and happy' turn to try and
transform. At the first and second time it doesn't work. Finally
happy nails and transforms his head into copy of Lucy's head. Natsu
finally tries one more time and transforms into a copy Lucy.
originally posted by Bodyswap1 on 2015-02-27, 1 edit, entryid=9220
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