- Categories:Gender, Anime, Television Episode
- Romanized Japanese Title: Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen
Lovecome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
- Episode Title: "1: Secret Technique! Make Them Laugh with a Butack
Humor! 2: Objection! Butack Trial"
God calls Kanade on his mobile and proves to him that he is god by
changing him into a girl. Chocolat immediately starts calling him
Kanarin. God gives him the choice to stay a girl but refuses.
Click to show spoiler
Nsgre gur perqvgf jr frr jung jbhyq unir orpbzr bs Xnanqr vs ur unq
pubfra gb fgnl n tvey.
originally posted by guest(magma) on 2014-10-02, 3 edits, entryid=9150
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