- Categories:Inanimate, Animated, Movie, Disney, Magical
- Rated PG, (C) 2013, On DVD/Blu-Ray, Cast: (Anna) Kristen Bell,
(Elsa) Idina Menzel
In the film, Princess Anna goes to find her sister, Elsa, who ran
away from her coronation as Queen after accidentally revealing that
she has ice powers. Upon finding her and then confronting her, Elsa
accidentally strikes Anna in the heart with a "frozen heart" curse.
The curse begins to slowly turn Anna into ice itself, her
strawberry blonde hair turning completely white being one of the
first side-effects.
Click to show spoiler
Ng gur pyvznk bs gur svyz, fur pbzcyrgryl fhpphzof gb gur phefr naq
gheaf vagb n yvsryrff vpr fphycgher bs urefrys. Fur raqf hc
ergheavat onpx gb yvsr naq onpx gb abezny jvgu ure unve abj
fgenjoreel oybaqr ntnva, nf vg'f erirnyrq gung gur ybir fur fubjrq
sbe ure fvfgre oebxr gur phefr naq "gunjrq" ure urneg.
originally posted by Nickelodeon on 2014-09-12, no edits, entryid=9141
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