- Categories:Male, Gender, Shapeshifter, Book, eBook
- Title: "Shifter"
- pub Uncial Press
- 2011
- ISBN 978-1-60174-117-2
Nineteen-year-old Aussie Jaime Race is the world's first
shape-shifter, and he has been on the run from the government
scientists who have created him. He was born a boy, and has only
been able to shift into male forms since he was 12. At the
beginning of the book, however, Jaime finds himself in the form of
a girl, the first time he has been able to change genders - into a
female version of his "default" form.
On a journey that will take him across the vast Northern Territory
of Australia, Jaime must assume several male and female identities
in order to learn more about where he came from, all while eluding
his pursuers: nasty government agents and a psychotic serial
killer. He also learns a little bit about his feminine side.
originally posted by DaveS on 2014-01-23, 3 edits, entryid=9090
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