Categories:Video Game, Gender, Male to Female, Body Swap, Head Swap, Female
During the fourth chapter of the game, Deadpool encounters Rogue.
Rogue is a part of the X-Men and has the power to take another
persons power through physical contact.
At the beginning of the level, Rogue gets kidnapped.
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Qrnqcbby riraghnyyl svaqf Ebthr naq fnirf ure. Jura Qrnqcbby trgf n
pybfre ybbx ng ure, ur pna frr gung fur unq orra vawherq onqyl naq
gur bayl jnl gb fnir ure vf gb tvir ure uvf cbjref. Guvf vf qbar
guebhtu n bss-fperra xvff.Nsgre gur fperra cnaf hc ba Ebthr'f obql jr frr gung fur abj unf
Qrnqcbby'f snpr naq nggvghqr. Nsgre n dhvpx fdhrrmr bs gur oernfgf
naq n purrxl bar-yvare, gur cynl abj unf gur punapr gb cynl cneg bs
gur tnzr nf ure vafgrnq bs Qrnqcbby.Pyvpx gb fubj fcbvyre
originally posted by guest(RandomTgCaptions) on 2013-08-11, no edits, entryid=9032
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