Categories:Were, Movie, Horror
This 1984 horror film (also known as the Bite and Leviatan) stars
Alice Cooper as a rockstar named Vince Raven who goes to his old
childhood home to shoot a music video for his latest song, while at
a party he is interrupted when he hears strange noises, he goes
outside to find a family of wild dogs outside his house growling at
him, he is outnumbered by them and attacked.
An old man warns that everyone is going to die except for Vince,
Vince's wife has nightmares about the wild dogs and of the old man
killing everyone, she then tells them about how her husband Vince
became a werewolf.
As numerous attacks are reported, Vince begins to grow worried and
gets out a shotgun.
Later on in the movie Vince turns into the werewolf or "monster
dog" and gets shot by his own wife at the end who laughs and cries
because she is the only one left.
originally posted by guest(Nathan Forester) on 2011-07-24, 1 edit, entryid=9023
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