- Categories:Female, Television Episode
- Series: Grimm
- Season 2, Episode 22
- First aired: May 21, 2013
The hexenbiest Frau Pech uses a doppelganger potion to swap bodies
with Adalind Schade. The potion transformed their bodies into each
others' while Adalind was unconscious so that Pech could meet the
gypsy Stefania in disguise.
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Hasbeghangryl sbe Senh Crpu, Fgrsnavn jnf abg sbbyrq, naq fur
xvyyrq Senh Crpu va beqre gb hfr ure urneg gb erfgber Nqnyvaq'f
urkraovrfg novyvgvrf. Gurve obqvrf genafsbezrq onpx jura Fgrsnavn
xvyyrq Senh Crpu.
originally posted by DaveS on 2013-05-22, 3 edits, entryid=9014
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