Categories:Female, Gender, Television Episode
Part of Disney Channel's "Freaky Freakend" stunt. Principal
Skidmore installs a frozen yogurt machine for the school, but the
machine actually extracts all the students' personalities. Chyna
decides to keep the personalities safe by eating the yogurts. The
students all have fun controlling Chyna. Later, all the
personalities are extracted from Chyna, but they all end up in the
wrong bodies. Fletcher ends up in Olive, Violet ends up in
Fletcher, Chyna ends up in Violet and Olive ends up in Chyna.
Click to show spoiler
Va gur raq, guvf gheaf bhg gb or n fgbel orvat gbyq gb gur fghqragf
ol Pulan. Fur gura rngf n sebmra lbtheg jvgu Fxvqzber'f anzr ba vg
naq cergraqf gb or Fxvqzber.
originally posted by jasobres on 2013-04-06, 3 edits, entryid=8996
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