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Ala... Dina!
Categories:Age, Alien, Animal, Female, Gender, Inanimate, Inanimate to Human, Male, Size, Were, Body Swap, Spanish, Television Series


Spanish tv show about a female genie and a family...

episodes of possible interest:

Season 1:

01 - "Genio y figura parte 1" - Animal - boy into pig
03 - "Mascota familiar" - Animal - woman into parrot; man into raven
07 - "El estreno" - Age - boy into man
09 - "Cumplesiglos feliz" - Inanimate - boy into human mobile phone
10 - "Tu al col�, yo a la oficina" - Age, Body Swap - father and son swap bodies
15 - "Felicidades Tom�s" - Size - tiny man/woman
16 - "Atraco a las diez" - Animal - girl into bird; boy into iguana
19 - "Galletas recicladas" - Size - girl is shrunken
24 - "Expediente Dina" - Alien - man into alien
27 - "El monstruo del lago" - Male, Female - male to male; female to female
28 - "Colegas para siempre" - Inanimate to Human, Animal - coat into caveman into chimpanzee

Season 2:

01 - "Un genio en pr�cticas" - Age, Gender, Male, Size - boy is shrunken; man is shrunken; male to female; male to male; male to boy
05 - "Magia en peligro" - Age - woman into little girl and back
06 - "La despe-dina" - Male - several (head)-TFs, male to male
08 - "Cupido y los dem�s" - Animal - man into goat and back
10 - "Mision is posible" - Gender - woman to man
12 - "Funcionan sin pilas" - Inanimate - man into doll
13 - "Me caso mam�" - Were - boys into werewolves
18 - "La boda!" - Age

Season 3:

01 - "El s�ndrome de Dinita" - Age - toddler girl into little girl; boy into baby; old man as baby

This list not complete


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24 Ala Dina TFs
Started by guest, Last Post by guest
15 months

originally posted by guest(grenzgaenger) on 2011-05-22, 7 edits, entryid=8982