- Categories:gender, Book, german
- Author: Nesch, Thorsten
- Release Date: 1 February 2012
A male and a female teenager swap bodies after an accident. An
electric shock in physics class starts the whole catastrophe. When
Elizabeth and Frank come to, they have switched bodies! Elizabeth,
the classy and beautiful daughter of a wealthy family lies in the
body of Frank, also called Snot, because of a constantly running
Until they find a solution, the two decide to live the life of the
other. Elizabeth must now live in a completely filthy shack with
Frank's father Harry. But Snot-Frank will quickly learn that life
in a villa with a pool is not so bad-especially since he now has
direct access to Elizabeth's breasts! Why change back anyway?
Thorsten Nesch serves up in his new novel skillfully quirky
dialogues, oblique types and ludicrous situations.
originally posted by Michael Binary on 2012-12-24, 5 edits, entryid=8917
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