This movie (the second in a series) appears to be a German, uhh...
"adaptation" or "variation" of the Harry Potter series more
familiar to English-speaking audiences. According to the trailer,
young witch-in-training Bibi is in her class at (a regular) school
when her teacher apparently singles her out for some reason. When
he turns his back to her, Bibi casts a spell and shrinks him to
about two inches in height. The class laughs as the tiny teacher
scampers around on his desk.
(Literal title translation: "Bibi Blocksberg and the Secret of the
Blue Owls")
The trailer may be viewed at http://www.scoops.be/downloads/detailtrailers.asp?movid=6771
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by Cobe on 2006-02-12, no edits, entryid=891
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