Categories:Mythical, Cartoon Series: Codename: Kids Next Door
The Delightful Children from Down the Lane kidnap Santa Claus in
this Holiday-themed KND episode. They want to use Santa's new
high-tech device to make them have all the presents and leave every
other kid with coal. They end up getting turned into Grinch-like
creatures with yellow eyes and green fur as a result of their
greedy behavior temporarially.
Numbuh 3 (Kuki Sonbon) also attempts to get presents for herself,
and nearly gets transformed into a Grinch-like creature, but Santa
has Numbuh 4 enter the chamber and give Numbuh 3 some fries from
his meal. Because Wally shared his fries with Kuki, she is returned
back to normal.
Some new holiday allies that are parodies of the X-Men (Storm,
Wolverine) help the KND fight the villains that are subsitute
originally posted by guest(Kris) on 2011-12-16, 1 edit, entryid=8860
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