Categories:Gender, male to female, Drama, Movie
- Rated R, (C) 2011, Scheduled to be released worldwide Sepember
- Cast: (Dr. Robert Ledgard) Antonio Banderas, (Vera Cruz) Elena
Anaya, (Vicente) Jan Cornet
A brilliant plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Ledgard (Banderas), haunted
by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that can
withstand burns, cuts or any other kind of damage. As he gets
closer to perfecting this skin on his flawless patient, the
scientific community starts growing skeptical and his past is
revealed that shows how his patient is closely linked to tragic
events he would like to forget. His guinea pig: a mysterious and
volatile woman (Anaya) who holds the key to his obsession.
Click to show spoiler
Nsgre gur cynfgvp fhetrba'f qnhtugre, jub unq nyernql orra
genhzngvmrq ol jvgarffvat ure zbgure'f fhvpvqr, vf frkhnyyl
nffnhygrq ng n jrqqvat erprcgvba, fur xvyyf urefrys va gur fnzr
snfuvba nf ure zbgure ol guebjvat urefrys bhg n jvaqbj. Gur cynfgvp
fhetrba rknpgf eriratr ba gur lbhat zna, jub unq nffnhygrq uvf
rzbgvbanyyl sentvyr qnhtugre, ol abg bayl cresbezvat na vaibyhagnel
frk punatr bcrengvba ba uvz, punatvat uvz vagb Rir, ohg nyfb
erznxvat uvz vagb gur fcyvggvat vzntr bs uvf yngr jvsr hfvat gur
"negvsvpvny fxva"
originally posted by guest(JosieChung) on 2011-01-17, 3 edits, entryid=8796
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