Categories:Gender, Male, Animal, Inanimate, Mechanical, Shapeshifter, Webcomic
When Danny Philmore saves an old woman from being run down in the
street, she gives him a magic potion which allows him to turn into
basically anything that exists. (He can't turn into Santa Claus,
for example, but he can become a mall Santa.) He started out trying
to use his abilities to save people. Recent storylines have him
working with his two sisters in a family-run detective agency.
Click to show spoiler
Juvyr Qnaal pna ghea vagb iveghnyyl nalobql, gurer ner bayl n
unaqshy bs znyr GSf naq (fb sne) bayl n srj vafgnaprf bs GT. Ur
qbrf bsgra punatr vagb navznyf yvxr ornef, oveqf, n tvenssr rgp.
naq ur unf ghearq vagb dhvgr n srj vanavzngr bowrpgf (yvxr n
ohpxrg, znvyobk be n ynqqre) naq zrpunavpny guvatf (pnef, n
fpbbgre, n cynar rgp.)
originally posted by DaveS on 2011-11-03, 1 edit, entryid=8772
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