Categories:Alien, Gender, Female, Shapeshifter, Comic Book
- DC Comics
- Cover Date: December 2011
- Issue Title: "Reflections"
At the beginning of the issue, Voodoo is still in the form of the
male federal agent she killed and impersonated at the end of the
previous issue...
Click to show spoiler
Naq fur'f univat frk, va uvf obql, jvgu uvf cnegare ng gurve ubgry
ebbz. Ibbqbb vzvgngrf gur ntrag naq uvf gubhtugf fb jryy, gur
srznyr ntrag, Wrffvpn, unf ab vqrn fur'f abg jvgu ure cnegare hagvy
fur trgf n pnyy sebz gur cbyvpr jub sbhaq uvf obql ng gur fgevc
pyho. Yngre, jura Wrffvpn frrzf gb unir genpxrq Ibbqbb qbja gb na
nonaqbarq ohvyqvat, Ibbqbb gevpxf gur ntragf jnvgvat bhgfvqr nsgre
fubgf ner sverq ol nffhzvat Wrffvpn'f sbez.
originally posted by DaveS on 2011-10-27, no edits, entryid=8768
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