- Categories:Gender, Comic Book
- Story Title: Twenty Questions, Part 1
- Cover Date: November 2011
- Character: Deadman
- (c) DC Comics
In the reboot of Deadman in "The New 52" his origin is retold. He's
killed by an unknown assassin and is given the gift to possess the
living in order to help them. He appears to spend most of his time
living their lives "Quantum Leap" style (don't worry, we don't see
him instead of the possessee) helping them solve their various
problems, but he is also still able to travel independently,
possessing peoples bodies as he requires.
In the first issue he briefly possessed several women: when
attempting to talk to the psychic at his circus he possesses a
little girl (for about two pages) and in one panel possesses a
random woman and teen girl while moving quickly through a crowd.
Later on he's shown in the bodies of a stripper and a female artist
(one panel each).
originally posted by guest on 2011-09-21, 5 edits, entryid=8747
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