- Categories:Comic Book, Female, Shapeshifter, Gender
- Title: "Howling Mad!"
- Cover Date: May 1996
- (c) Marvel Comics
Set in Marvel’s 2099 universe, the character December recounts a
story from her past, where she is imprisoned and later saved at the
time of her execution by her female shapeshifting friend Willow. Click to show spoiler
Jvyybj oevrsyl nffhzrf gur sbez bs gur zvffvat Dhrra Crertevar, naq
gura gnxrf gur sbez bs gur Xvat. Qrfcvgr ure novyvgl gb zbecu vagb
nalbar, gur znexvatf ba Jvyybj’f snpr nyjnlf erznva gur fnzr
qrfcvgr ure qvfthvfr. Ynfgf 1 cntr.
originally posted by Tal on 2011-04-23, no edits, entryid=8683
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