Categories:Gender, Short Story, Small Press
Written by 'Tommy' circa 1998.
It's a 52 page short story/novel with several full pages of b/w
illustrations. Set in the 1950's, the plot has 12 year old Tommy
waking up in the body of the grown up female body of Millie the
Model (from the world of Marvel Comics), the star of the comic book
he fell asleep reading the night before. He soon realizes that
Millie is still in her body with him, but has no control over the
body. Tommy is in charge, much to her dismay. Luckily Tommy is a
nice boy and does what she wants him to do until he can figure out
how to get back to his own life.
And what Millie wants him to do is get dressed as she would, go to
work as a model modeling dresses, bikinis and even underwear, like
she would, and be nice to her boyfriend/photographer - like she
Months go by and a modeling trip to Europe, and Tommy is still
stuck in charge of a grown woman's body. So he and Millie decide to
ask her model friend Chili for advice. After the difficulty of
convincing Chili, they go to her cousin Sue Storm and her scientist
boyfriend Reed for help. Eventually after a couple of months as
Millie the Model, Tommy finds his way back home with Reed's
assistance. A mirror shows it's his body! But things look slightly
different, like the letter S is reversed, and then he hears a very
familiar male voice in his head...
It is a self contained story, published in 1998 by Echo
Productions, which is out of business and no copies appear to be
available any more. Tommy wrote several other books with a youthful theme mixed into
the gender mix-ups. This issue was numbered TS-17, part of the Echo
twilight fiction series.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by guest(anon cj) on 2010-07-07, 1 edit, entryid=8624
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