Categories:Gender, Anime
- Japanese Title: "Seirei Gassen" ("Spirit vs. Spirit")
The episode is the anime adaptation of Fairy Tail manga chapters
143-144 of the Oracion Seis arc. Fairy Tail's Gray seems about to
kill his fellow wizard Natsu, but he's not really Gray. He's really
the Celestial Spirit twins Gemini in disguise, who then turn into a
copy of Lucy when they are found out.
Click to show spoiler
Trzvav qvfgenpg Uvovxv naq Fntvggnevhf ol fubjvat gurz Yhpl'f
oernfgf (zhpu gb gur erny Yhpl'f qvfznl!) naq yngre gurl fhzzba naq
gnxr pbageby bs Fntvggnevhf jvgu Yhpl'f cbjre nsgre gur erny Yhpl
pybfrq uvf tngr. Natry fhzzbaf Trzvav ntnva yngre va gur rcvfbqr gb
qvfgenpg naq gnxr bhg Gnhehf (ntnva nf Yhpl) naq orng qbja gur erny
Yhpl. Natry beqref Trzvav gb qryvire gur svavfuvat oybj; ohg gurl
pna'g, nf gurl erpnyy Yhpl'f ibvpr va gurve zvaq fnlvat fur ybirf
pryrfgvny fcvevgf. Natry onavfurf Trzvav va qvfthfg.
originally posted by DaveS on 2010-12-13, 3 edits, entryid=8623
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