Categories:Gender, Female, Male, Mechanical, Television Episode
The Planet Express crew use a mind-switching device throughout the
entire episode. First, Amy switches with Professor Farnsworth so
that she can eat more. But then they realize they can't switch
back. So, as part of an evil plan to steal a playboy Robo-Hungarian
emperor's crown, Bender switches with Amy's body, which ends up
with the Professor in Bender's body. Then Amy, still in
Farnsworth's body, proposes that Leela switch with her once she
gains a big gut in his body. But Fry is repulsed by Leela, so he
decides to switch with Dr. Zoidberg as revenge. Meanwhile, Bender
proposes that he switch places with the Emperor. Unfortunately,
Farnsworth ran away and joined the circus in Bender's body, so
instead, he switches with Scruffy's wash bucket, which he tricks
the emperor into thinking is his. So now the wash bucket has Amy's
body. Then Bender switches with the emperor, who is now in the wash
bucket. Meanwhile, Amy gains a whole lot of weight in Leela's body,
so Hermes proposes that he switches with her.
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Va gur raq, Tyborgebggref Rguna "Ohooyrthz" Gngr naq Fjrrg Pylqr
cebcbfr, ivn zngu, gung rirelbar trg onpx gb gurve obqvrf ivn gur
hfr bs gurve obqvrf.
originally posted by jasobres on 2010-08-18, 4 edits, entryid=8556
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