Categories:Gender, Anime
- Episode 438: "A Paradise in Hell! - Impel Down Level 5.5!"
- Episode 439: "Luffy's Treatment Begins! Ivan's Miraculous Ability"
These One Piece Season 13 episodes are the anime adaptation of One
Piece manga chapters 536-537, in which ex-Baroque Works
shapeshifter Mr. 2, a.k.a. Bon Clay, seeks out the help of "Miracle
Worker" and "Okama Queen" Emporio Ivankov.
Click to show spoiler
Va n fubeg synfuonpx frdhrapr va rcvfbqr 438, Oba Pynl oevrsyl
qvfthvfrf uvzfrys nf Anzv gb sbby gur nffvfgnag jneqra bs gur
cevfba naq fgrny uvf pybgurf. Yngre, jura Yhssl naq Oba Pynl frrz
gb or yrsg sbe qrnq va gur cevfba'f vpl Yriry 5, Vanmhzn, bar bs
Vinaxbi'f yblny svtugref, svaqf gurz naq oevatf gurz gb gur uvqqra
yriry; ng gung cbvag Vanmhzn vf znyr. Yngre, jura Oba Pynl jnxrf
naq svaqf n cnegl-yvxr ebbz, Vanmhzn zrrgf uvz ntnva, guvf gvzr
srznyr (genafsbezrq orpnhfr bs Vinaxbi'f cbjref). Va rcvfbqr 439,
Vinaxbi gheaf n iratrshy znyr cvengr vagb n lbhat jbzna.
A preview of episode 439 with the transformation (at least some of
it) is at http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/LOJ8_iPf9Ks/.
The whole episode is here: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/-XWYN6yfKGM/
The guy who is transformed comes in a bit after seven minutes.
originally posted by DaveS on 2010-02-14, 3 edits, entryid=8474
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