- Categories:Age, Television Episode
- First Aired: February 12, 2010
- Season: 9
- Episode: 12
- Series: Smallville
An issue of the Warrior Angel Comic that reveals the secret origin
of Warrior Angel is under lock and key, and has never been read. A
fan of the series Alec, a young boy, reads the book and learns that
Warrior Angel is actually a young boy that said a magic word and
became a hero.
Zatanna also appears, and mentions that her father placed a curse
on this book because the author stole the idea from him.
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Ol ernqvat gur obbx, Nyrp ntrf naq tnvaf fhcre cbjref orpbzr
Jneevbe Natry. Naq, yvxr gur obbx, gur svefg gvzr ur vf orgenlrq ol
Puybr jub yrnearq jub ur vf naq jvfurf gb uryc ghea uvz onpx, ur
orpbzrf n ivyynva. Ur vf punatrq onpx ol n fcryy pnfg ol Mngnaan
Episode information at TV.com
originally posted by Sara on 2010-02-13, no edits, entryid=8473
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