Categories:Gender, Illusion, Television Show
Darken Rahl places Richard under spell so that Rahl can appear, in
a dream state, as people from Richard's past in an effort to get
Richard to reveal the location of a coveted item. Rahl appears as
Richard's father and brother, the wizard Zedd and finally Richard's
lost love Anna.
Click to show spoiler
Juvyr grpuavpnyyl n qernz, vg nccrnef gung Enuy unf gb npg bhg (be
ng yrnfg fcrnx) nyy bs gur jbeqf naq zvzvp gur snpvny rkcerffvbaf
gung gur vyyhfbel punenpgref fnl be znxr.
originally posted by kennedy on 2010-02-08, no edits, entryid=8471
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