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Needless is an anime adaptation of a manga by Kami Imai. In a future Tokyo, the middle of the city has been completely gutted as the result of a nuclear attack and is now known as the Black Spot. Some of the residents of the Black Spot - the "Needless" - have supernatural powers known as "fragments." One of the Needless is Eve Neuschwanstein, who possesses the "doppelganger" fragment which gives her shape-shifting and healing abilities.

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Qhevat gur Arrqyrff navzr, Rir vzcrefbangrf bguref bayl n srj gvzrf; abgnoyl va gur svefg rcvfbqr, jurer fur gevpxf na rarzl ol ercynpvat Pehm Fpuvyq naq yngre gevrf pbzsbegvat Pehm ol cbfvat nf uvf byqre fvfgre Nehxn. Va gur svsgu rcvfbqr, fur gevpxf gur Fvzrba Tvey Sbepr ol svefg zvzvpxvat grnz yrnqre Frgfhan, gura punatvat cynprf gurve ubfgntr Pehm. Ng gur irel raq bs gur 24gu naq svany rcvfbqr, gjb ebhtu-ybbxvat znyr punenpgref jub ner cnegarerq jvgu Pehm ghea bhg gb or Rir naq ure cnegare, gur cbjreshy Arrqyrff cevrfg Nqnz Oynqr.Qhevat gur navzr, vg jnf zber pbzzba gb frr Rir hfvat ure novyvgl ol tebjvat jrncbaf sebz ure obql. Fur bsgra ghearq ure nez vagb n ynetr qevyy, ohg fur pbhyq nyfb tebj rkgen yvzof naq ghea urefrys vagb cneg bs n jnyy nzbat bgure guvatf.

originally posted by DaveS on 2010-01-07, no edits, entryid=8450