- Categories:Gender, Video Game, Possession, Werewolf, Monster, Demon
- Game System: PC, Playstation 3, X-Box 360
- Rated M (Mature), (C) 2009
A a dark heroic fantasy role-playing game. The game includes a
Shapeshifter class, available both as a joinable party member and
as a option for the main player (if he/she is a mage). Includes a
major sub-plot with werewolves.
In this game world, demons cannot long exist away from their home
plane without possessing humanoid bodies. Possession often
transforms or mutates the humanoid's form. Mages run the risk of
being possessed or mutated by the act of casting magic.
Click to show spoiler
Bar bs gur zvav-dhrfgf vaibyirf n znyr zntr, Pbaabe Rnzba, jub
frrxf sbeovqqra yber gb qrsrng gur bar jub cbvfbarq uvf sngure. Nf
n erfhyg, ur vf cbffrffrq ol n srznyr Qrfver Qrzba (n fhpphohf),
jub culfvpnyyl genafsbezf uvz. Gur cynlre'f punenpgre pna rvgure
frrx gb serr Pbaabe, be gb artbgvngr obbaf sebz gur srznyr qrzba
(juvpu yrnirf ure va Pbaabe'f srznyr obql).
originally posted by guest(JosieChung) on 2009-11-08, no edits, entryid=8434
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