The main character, Emma, is bored with her life. Her parents want
her to marry, she doesn't. Her favorite place to run is to the
swamp. While there she meets, (what else?), a frog that claims that
he has been turned into his amphibous form by an evil witch. He
asks for her cooperation. She complies and, poof, shes a frog also.
The rest of the book is them trying to get back to Emmas fairy
godmother, who should be able to turn them back.
Click to show spoiler
Gur snvel tbqzbguref oblsevraq jnf ghearq vagb na bggre, fb lbh trg
gb zrrg uvz yngre ba va gur obbx.
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by guest (Gamemaker1) on 2006-02-24, no edits, entryid=842
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