- Categories:Male, Female, Gender, Comic Book
- Title: "Codename: Patriot Part 3 "
- Cover Date: October 2009
- Red Shield: 3
- Series: Supergirl, Vol. 5
Flamebird and Nightwing are seen in Los Angles on a rampage stating
their actions are "For Krypton". Supergirl and Mon-El are sent to
investigate where it is revealed thatClick to show spoiler
Zvenonv ntnva hfrq ure zntvp, guvf gvzr gb punatr gur znyr Ernpgeba
vagb gur srznyr Synzroveq. Ng gur raq bs guvf fgbel, vg vf erirnyrq
gung Zvenonv hfrf ure zntvp gb punatr urefrys vagb Fhcretvey.
This story continues in Superman 691
originally posted by Sara on 2009-09-30, 1 edit, entryid=8405
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