Categories:Gender, Female, Comic Book
The Doctor's mind is trapped within the TARDIS matrix with a
cranial parasitic alien who would like to take the Doctor's
remaining regenerations. The matrix has manifested as a museum of
items from the Doctor's memory and the alien is in the form of the
Valeyard, an evil incarnation of the Doctor. In Issue 5 it was
revealed that the Doctor's companion Martha Jones is not really
Martha but...
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na ningne bs gur GNEQVF vgfrys, pbzcevfrq bs gur zrzbevrf bs nyy
gur Qbpgbe'f pbzcnavbaf. Va Vffhr 6, guvf ningne serdhragyl punatrf
sebz cnary gb cnary gb uryc gur Qbpgbe trg evq bs gur nyvra. Va
beqre, sebz Znegun, gur ningne orpbzrf: Uneel Fhyyvina; Yrryn;
Zrynavr Ohfu; Fgrira Gnlybe; Xnzryvba; Alffn; Nqevp; Fnenu Wnar
Fzvgu; onpx gb Nqevp, gura gur ningne nccrnef gb qvr. Ubjrire,
Znegun Wbarf ernccrnef ng gur raq naq svanyyl orpbzrf gur Qbpgbe'f
tenaqqnhtugre, Fhfna Sberzna.
originally posted by DaveS on 2009-01-25, no edits, entryid=8227
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