- Categories:Plant, Male, Comic Book, Mechanical, Inanimate
- Title: "One World, Under Gog, Part III: War Lords"
- Cover Date: October 2008
- (c) DC Comics
- Series: Justice Society of America (Vol. 3)
In this issue, Gog continues his trek, with his followers and the
JSA in tow. They encounter a group of terrorists that begin to
attack Gog's followers. Gog, a God of the 3rd world decides to make
the terrorists useful.
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Ur punatrf gurz vagb gerff, gung cebqhpr sehvg.
At the end of the story, Lance Corporal David Reid, great-grandson
of Franklin D. Roosevelt, is killed by another terrorist attack.
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Tbt oevatf uvz onpx, punatvat uvf nez vagb zrgny, naq ercynprf bar
bs uvf rlrf. Tbt gryyf uvz gb "evfr, Zntbt"
originally posted by Sara on 2008-10-02, no edits, entryid=8152
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