- Categories:Animal, Short Movie
- (C) 2005, by John Harden
"The life of a dog" the story of a French scientist who turns
himself into a dog.
From the Author's site:
Paris, 1962 A French scientist invents a serum which changes him
into a dog. Transformed and running through the streets of Paris,
he experiences the most exciting and satisfying night of his life.
By morning, he is human again. But government agents seek control of the serum, and the scientist's future looks bleak. Will
he ever again run with the pack? The story is told almost entirely through the use of
black-and-white still photos. A narrator voices the story - in
French, naturellement. The rest of us just have to read the
originally posted by Inry on 2008-07-01, 1 edit, entryid=8065
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