Categories:Mythical, Inanimate, Television Series, BBC
Kid TV show where a former Dr Who Companion Sarah Jane fights evil
aliens with the help of kids, including Maria.
In this show, a race called the Gorgons is trying to invade earth.
One of their number has possessed the body of a nun for several
hundred years and gained control of other nuns. In this body the
Gorgon has turned people to stone includiong Maria's dad. The nun's
body the gorgon is using is dying so it plans to transfer to Sarah
Jane's using an amulet, as well as bringing the other Gorgons to
Earth. The plot is foiled when Maria following the advice of an old
woman puts a mirror in front of Sarah Jane's eyes and reflects the
Gorgon's gaze back!
Maria's father is returned to flesh by using the magic amulet at
the end.
originally posted by Eric on 2008-05-07, 6 edits, entryid=8015
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