- Categories:Animated, Commercial
- First Aired December 2007
In this comercial for Esurance Car Insurance, policy holder Paul M.
finds it hard to get animated about car insurance, until he found
Click to show spoiler
Reva unaqf uvz n cnve bs tbbtyrf, naq gura ur vf punatrq sebz n
abezny uhzna znyr vagb na navzngrq irefvba bs uvzfrys. Ur fgergpurf
uvf snpr naq hcba eryrnfr vg ergheaf gb abezny.
Minor Transformation
We also see something about Erin, the Esurance agent. Click to show spoiler
Fur fgrcf va n fvzvynve qrivpr nf Cnhy, naq punatrf sebz gur
oeharggr jrnevat n abezny fhvg vagb ure ure cvax unverq fcl sbez,
naq gura punatrf onpx. Fur vf gur fnzr jbzna, ohg guvf vf n irel
vagrerfgvat qvfthvfr zrgubq
View Comercial Here
originally posted by Sara on 2007-12-29, 1 edit, entryid=7849
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