Categories:Gender, Video Game
In Ichigo's episode mode, Yoruichi tells Ichigo that he cannot get
back to the human world unless he collects the broken Sokyoku
shards and puts them together, which would have enough spiritual
pressure to break open the Senkaimon gate and let them through.
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Vg gheaf bhg gung guvf Lbehvpuv jnf ernyyl Negheb Cyngrnqb, jub vf
na Neenapne gung arrqrq gur Flbxlbxh cvrprf gb oevat uvzfrys gb
shyy cbjre, naq ghearq uvzfrys vagb Lbehvpuv nf gb gevpx Vpuvtb
vagb pbyyrpgvat gur oebxra Fbxlbxh funeqf.
anonymously posted on 2007-11-12, no edits, entryid=7787
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